It is so important that children and young people find their way, that they come closer to their real goals. In doing so, they are dependent on the help of their teachers. - This book wants to give suggestions for this, not recipes. Just as every young person will go his or her own individual way, so will every teacher find his or her own way. - It is important to start as well as you can!
From the contents:
What do the children bring along? - What is truth? - The individual path - Joy of discovery and hidden abilities - The new willpower - The authentic teacher - Some things to practice - The search for the unity of the world - What is important.
--> Wolfgang Wünsch
Review by Stephan Ronner: see below
Publisher | edition zwischentöne |
ISBN | 978-3-937518-37-4 |
Details | 2020, 56 pages, softcover |
Reviews | Download |
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