Siegfried Thiele

Siegfried Thiele

(1934 - 2024). 1952-58 Studies music in Leipzig: composition (with Wilhelm Weismann and Johannes Weyrauch) and conducting / 1958-62 Teaches  at music schools in Radeberg and Wurzen / 1960-62 advanced composition studies at the Akademie der Kuenste Berlin (with Leo Spies). Since 1962 teaching at the University of Music in Leipzig (Tonsatz, Partitur) / 1971 Lectureship / 1973 Founding and direction of the Jugendfonieorchester Leipzig / 1984 Professorship for Composition / 1990-97 Rector of the Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater in Leipzig / 1992 Member of the Freie Akademie der Kuenste Leipzig / 1996 Member of the Saechsische Akademie der Kuenste Dresden / 1999 Honorary guest of the Villa Massimo, Rome.
