(*1926 in Halle/Saale, †2020 in Bremen)
1950, after return from war captivity, studied church music in Berlin. From 1957 science studies in Freiburg. 1963 teacher at the Freie Waldorfschule Stuttgart, Uhlandshoehe. From 1964 teacher at the Waldorfschule Marburg. 1971 Co-founder of the Waldorfschule Bonn, there teacher for music and natural sciences. Since 1978 lecturer at the Alanus-Kunsthochschule for counterpoint and music history. Since 1988 lecturer for Waldorf education in Witten-Annen. Many activities in the training of Waldorf teachers in Germany and in Northern and Eastern Europe. Various publications and compositions.
- Menschenbildung durch Musik
- Sonnengsang (childrens choir and piano)
- Sonnengesang (childrens choir and guitar)
- Frühlingsspiel
- Es ist an der Zeit- Het is hoog tijd
- Zusammenklang 1 (Children's songs)
- Zusammenklang 2 (Song arrangements and choir pieces for equal voices)
- Zusammenklang 3 (Song arrangements and choir pieces for mixed voices)
- Children's operas
- Oh, ihr Unglücklichen